Saturday, November 17, 2012

My favorite image

Out of all the projects I did for digital imaging, this one would have to be my favorite becasue of the dark/intense colors for the ground, water, island, sky, and the floating tree/castle. But, there's a downside to it. You (and including myself and I was told about this by some people about it) CANNOT use any anime/manga (japanese cartoon shows/graphic novels) in your portfolio. college you plan to transfer to will not accept and refuse to look at them. So do not do it. (I did it because my project was due at the last second and had to come up with something I could do quickly without having a hassle with.)

But I'm planning on using that ground for something else (definitely not for this idea). It will be based on Once Upon A Time (and probably have unicorns in it?). I'm still thinking about it, but I really want to work on it over break.

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